With Kopp’s Extended Business Office, we can work as an extension of your business office, attacking either short term discrete projects or extended projects for slow or non-performing parts of your accounts receivable.
Send us what your business office can’t get to. Behind in reviewing your accounts receivable? Are you moving to a new system? Problem payors? Not able to get to those small insurance balances? Workers comp claims got you down? Kopp can help. Kopp may be able to assist your back office to get current and stay current.
Pricing will vary based upon the size and length of the engagement. For example, workers compensation and no-fault claim submission and follow-up require the most attention given the numerous external factors that can affect your ability to get paid. We can provide remittance advice review, worker injury questionnaires, HP.1 filings and essential phone contacts to carriers, employers and patients, as appropriate.
Below are some of the many types of projects our Extended Business Office we currently handle:
- Workers comp and no-fault claims (both completely outsourcing all claims or just aged claims)
- Legacy A/R projects
- Aged small insurance resolutions for multiple payor groups
- Entire accounts receivable follow-up for discrete hospital departments that require special knowledge or handling